Class of ’69 Birthday Bash 2016
65 Years!!
To celebrate our 65th birthday in 2016, a courageous group comprised of Class of ’69 members from Kaimuki, Kalani, McKinley, and Roosevelt High Schools has been busy planning activities for September that will culminate with a big birthday bash event.
So many of us are connected in some way from attending elementary and intermediate schools together as well as through work, extended families, and friends in our adult lives. It is only fitting that we join together to celebrate this “once in a lifetime achievement” … and have fun!
Preliminary activities like a golf tournament and karaoke night are designed as “ice breakers” before the birthday bash event on Saturday.
Class of ’69 Golf Tournament
Hawaii Kai Golf Course *
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
12 noon
Format to be decided (foursomes)
$20 for 19th Hole only (Food)
(* changed from Mililani GC)
Class of ’69 Karaoke Night
HMC Karaoke
Friday, September 23, 2016
7 to 11 pm
Karaoke and pupu’s included (BYOB)
Class of ’69 Honolulu Birthday Bash
Manoa Grand Ballroom, Japanese Cultural Center
Saturday, September 24, 2026
5 to 11 pm
Dinner buffet, entertainment, prizes
All Class of ’69 graduates from Kaimuki, Kalani, McKinley, and Roosevelt High Schools and their guests are invited to join the celebration.
Save These Dates!!
Start contacting your old friends and plan on attending one or all of the events.
More information with details on each activity is forthcoming.
Class of ’69 Las Vegas Birthday Bash
For our mainland and for those of us who would like to extend the celebration to the city of bright lights and excitement, we are also planning a Las Vegas Birthday Bash to be held in the Ohana Room of the California Hotel on Saturday, November 12, 2016. Plans are for a six-day/five-night trek from November 9th thru the 14th.

More details to follow.