McKinley High School

Monday, October 5, 2015


We're back!!  The joint group made up of '69 graduates from McKinley, Roosevelt, and Kalani high schools successfully completed their Las Vegas Bash and can confirm that they made significant deposits into the Nevada economy, ate their weight in food, had a few drinks, renewed acquaintances, made some new friends, and enjoyed some wholesome '69 fun.  

 Myra Tamanaha, Bobby Comeau, Gary Tamanaha, and Mark Luna (RHS) at the Ice Breaker Breakfast on the first morning
Lisa Chang (RHS), Wendy Yim (MPI), Bobby Comeau and Chris Sumiye Imoto get ready for Crazy Bowling, a McKinley Reunion Committee event
 At the Hospitality Room with Gordon Choy (KHS), Kent Harada (KHS), Ann Moniz Suen (KHS), Keith and Miwa Mizokami, and Myra Tamanaha
 In The Orleans:  Harold Fujii (RHS), Keith Kurahashi, Bobby Comeau, Gary Tamanaha, Mark Luna (RHS) and Myra Tamanaha
Bowling winners, Roberta Lim (RHS) and Keith Kurahashi pose for a picture at the banquet held at Prime Rib Loft at The Orleans

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